To all of you uninitiated, here is a very short explanation of this post. In today’s NY Times Crossword, a clue was “_____ Ataturk, founder of modern Turkey”. The answer was Kemal. Crossword puzzle guru, Rex Parker stated the following in his blog:
“Today, accuracy was nearly compromised when I ended up at my final square: the KEMAL (52D: _____ Ataturk, founder of modern Turkey) / ELY (60A: English cathedral city) crossing. I'm sure I've seen both (particularly the latter) before, but intersecting at a vowel as they do here, they both may as well have been Klingon.”
Well, a little research revealed that Kemal Ataturk was indeed a Klingon (see photo at right). This photo is a detail of the one posted on Mr. Parker’s blog. As further evidence, please note for
yourselves other similarities with a known Klingon, General Koord (oddly enough, pronounced kurd).
Well, Mr. Parker, once again you are correct. At least one of them was speaking Klingon.
QaQ ram 'ej QaQ poHmey
jai guru deva
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